Full Lifetim e warranty
U.S .A.
Yo u r w a rra n t y o p t io n s :
reim bursem ent of your postage
cost.This warranty applies to new
ProCam cam eras purchased in retail
stores in the U.S.A. Please keep your
dated sales receipt or proof of the
purchase date to confirm coverage.
If this cam era proves to be defective,
we will, at your option, either
Re p la c e m e n t : You can choose to
receive a replacem ent cam era at no
charge. If the failure occurs within 90
days of the purchase date, you can
return the cam era to any participat-
ing Polaroid dealer and you will
receive a new ProCam cam era. If the
failure occurs after that period, call
Polaroid at the toll-free num ber
listed and we will ship you a refur-
bished cam era of equal or better
value. Replacem ent will be m ade 3-5
business days from the receipt of
your cam era. When you call, we will
also tell you how you can get even
faster service.
Re p a ir: You can choose to have
your cam era repaired by calling the
num ber listed for the address of the
nearest authorized Polaroid repair
location. Please allow 3 to 5 weeks
from the receipt of your cam era for
the repair.The repaired cam era will
be returned to you along with a
replace it or repair it without charge
for as long as you own the cam era
(original owners only). See Your war-
ranty options.To obtain warranty
service, please call Polaroid at the
toll-free num ber listed or write to the
Polaroid Resource Center, 784
Mem orial Drive, Cam bridge, Massa-
chusetts 02139-4688.This warranty
does not cover dam age caused by
accident, m isuse, or tam pering with
the cam era, and a charge will be
m ade for such repairs.
This warranty gives you specific
rights, and you m ay also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
Th is w a rra n t y exc lu d e s a ll c o n s e -
qu e n t ia l d a m a g e s . So m e s t a t e s d o
n o t a llow t h e exc lu s io n o f c o n s e -
qu e n t ia l d a m a g e s s o t h e fo re g o in g
exc lu s io n m ay n o t a p p ly t o yo u .
Bu s in e s s Im a g e Gu a ra n t e e
We are so sure you will be happy
with your pictures that we guarantee
com plete satisfaction for one year.
If you are not pleased with any
picture you take, use Polaroid
Im age Guarantee coupons to
receive free replacem ent film .
This offer is lim ited to 10 packs of
replacem ent film .To receive your
book of coupons, sim ply fill out
and return the Registration card.
U.S . o ffe r o n ly